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Spiritual Growth

Wednesdays and Sundays we are intentional about focusing on God and offering opportunities to grow in our faith.  
However, what happens when you go home?  
God wants a daily relationship with us. Below are some resources to help you grow in your faith, in your own time.
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Two Apps to wrap your day in the Sacred and Gratitude 


EveryDay Sanctuary

An app, website and social media location aimed at bringing the practice of Bible Study, Prayer and Reflection into our every day lives.  Check them out! 




Three Good Things 

Set a time each day to list 3 things you are thankful for that day.  This is a great way to end your day, to help you see the positive and create time to be grateful.  Check it out! 

Prayer Stations: Meditation

  • Find a comfortable, distraction free spot. 

  • Play video below. 

  • Focus on the movement of the candle. 

  • Focus on your breath and quiet your mind. 

  • Select a saying to repeat to focus your mind. 
    Ex: "Be still and know I am God."
    "God, be here"
    "Breathe out stress, Breathe in God" 


Laptop & Coffee

Daily Devotions

Here are a few great options for
Daily Devos: 

1. Bible App Reading Plans
    Go through the options to pick out a title, theme or Scripture that interests you. If you add it to your phone, it will send you daily reminders. You can go through the devo alone or invite friends! 


2. Daily Devos by Youth, for Youth!

Refreshed every day, this site has lots of daily readings and challenging devotions. 






Prayer Stations:
Imaginative Prayer 

  • Sit in a comfortable spot.

  • Have pen & Paper near by.

  • Rest and enter the story.

  • Write down or reflect on your answers to the questions at the end of the video.


Treetop from Below


Figuring out how to pray can be tough! Here are a few ways to get started.

1. Start writing!  Start with a blank piece of paper and write a letter to God.  


2. Be Still...

Go somewhere away from distractions, set a timer for 5-10mins.

Sit still and focus on your breathing, the smallest movements.  When you get distracted, repeat Psalm 46:10 "Be Still and Know I am God" to bring yourself back. 




Prayer Stations: Serve Others 

This video was created by Rethink Church.  

Take some time to watch the video and write down or reflect on your responses. 





Music can be a powerful tool in connecting with God. 



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